Terms and conditions: Kellertax V.O.F.

Airportshuttlelelystad.nl   is part of Kellertax V.O.F,

therefore, the general terms and conditions stated below are fully applicable

A) General transport conditions – specific airport transport by taxi in the Netherlands and Europe
B) General transport conditions Kellertax Passenger transport V.O.F. Coach transportation
C) Acceptance of general conditions and exclusion of general terms and conditions of client.

TAXI Transportation

A) General transport conditions – specific airport transport by taxi in the Netherlands and Europe

1. Combination trips Taxi transport
Combination trips are only possible at your request.
Example: if you are traveling with friends, family or colleagues who live at different addresses.
We can calculate a quotation for you.
Delays along the way
Kellertax Personenvervoer can never be held liable for delays, which may result in your missing your flight.
2. Taxi transport – Return to Schiphol
In the event of a delay of more than 2 hours or a change of flight details, you must inform us of this at the latest 24 hours before arrival at
the airport. You can then count on us to keep a close eye on your arrival time.
Failure to inform us of changes in time will void your right to transport and you can only be transported at an appropriate time. If you do
not agree with the appropriate time specified by us, your right to a refund of the return trip paid by you will also lapse.
After arrival at Schiphol, you must report as soon as possible to the driver, at the meeting point in Schiphol Plaza or by telephone to the
exchange or if you have booked this as extra booked at the STA / TAXI desk of Schiphol. If you return to Schiphol at a different flight than
you have indicated, you must inform us at least 24 hours before arrival. Return journeys must be paid in advance and will only be executed
by us after we have received a written confirmation from you stating your flight details of the return flight
You can send it to us, signed by e-mail or signed to the driver who brought you to the airport.
Kellertax is never liable for any flight details you have entered incorrectly and will therefore not carry out return transport if you do not
report to the driver within 1 hour or have contacted us by telephone after arrival of the arrival time and date you specify. the right to a
refund of your return payment and transport.
If, by whatever circumstances, you report later to the driver, or by telephone at our exchange, then 1 hour after the final baggage of your
flight, you lose the right to transport and the refund of your return payment will be canceled. In the event of loss of luggage at the airport,
our driver will wait 30 minutes for you to arrive, after you have informed us or our driver that you have lost your luggage. If you arrive later
than this hour, we can only transport you at an appropriate time.
If you do not agree with this then you lose the right to a refund of the return payment and transport you pay.
3.Taxi transport- Child transport:
1 May 2005 there has been an amendment to the law on passenger transport with regard to the transport of children up to and including 3
years of age. At Taxi Transport it is allowed to take a child up to 3 years on a lap without a child seat.
It is no longer allowed children v.a. 3 years on your lap, a seat must be reserved for each child. It is not mandatory for children to sit in a
child seat when transporting a taxi.
4. Taxi transportation – Luggage:
1 suitcase (20 kg) and a small travel bag are included per person. If there is more luggage, a surcharge of € 5 per bag or suitcase applies
o.v.b. that these can be taken by us in the taxi. The driver reserves the right to refuse baggage at all times.
When hiring a taxi (bus) there is a written consultation with Kellertax the possibility of carrying luggage, folding wheelchairs, etc. For
transportation of collapsible wheelchairs, golf bags, bicycles, dog kennels, etc. a surcharge of € 10, – one way per piece, ovb that these can
be taken by us in the taxi. The driver reserves the right to refuse baggage at all times.
By paying the return trip, you declare that you have read and agreed to the above conditions.
5. Taxi transport-Payment method
You can pay in cash in the taxi. We do not accept credit cards or PIN.

It is also possible to take account of us. For this we need the invoice details, signed order confirmation and the name of the applicant.
Payments must be made in accordance with article 6 of the General Conditions of Transport Taxi and Touring Car Transport Kellertax vof.
After signing the confirmation, the customer has agreed to our general transport conditions for Taxi and Coach transport.
Taxi Transport-Disputes Committee:
In order to guarantee your interests / rights as optimally as possible, we are affiliated to the Registration Board for the Taxi Transport
Disputes Committee. The Disputes Committee for Taxi Transport Regulations (Disputes Committee for Taxi Transport) (as of 11 March
2003) of the Stichting Geschillencommissies Consumentenzaken (Disputes Committee for Consumer Affairs) are established: PO Box 90600,
2509 LP The Hague.

Taxi transport and coach transport – Privacy protection
Kellertax Passenger Transport is bound by all legal provisions to protect your personal data. Kellertax Personenvervoer will never pass on
your personal data to third parties and therefore ensure adequate privacy protection.
Coach transport

B) General transport conditions Kellertax Passenger transportation  V.O.F. Coach transport.

All our offers and agreements are subject to the general conditions of carriage, filed with the Chamber of Commerce in Purmerend under
number 37103542 and applicable from 1 January 2003, in full.
A full copy will be sent to you on request.
Below is an extract from the aforementioned general transport conditions, containing an (abridged) random mention of the trade-related
trade in the most important articles.

1. General Provisions.
These general terms and conditions apply to all offers and agreements where Kellertax V.O.F. provides services to a third party, hereinafter
referred to as “the client”. Deviations from these general transport conditions are only legally valid if agreed in writing.
If any provisions of the general terms and conditions are null and void or are nullified, the other provisions of these general terms and
conditions will remain in force and Kellertax and the client will consult in order to agree new provisions to replace the null and void or
nullified provision.
At the time of the conclusion of the agreement, the client is deemed to have agreed to the exclusive applicability of these general terms
and conditions.
The same applies to the (further) assignments provided by the client, both orally and by telephone, by fax, by e-mail, or in any other way
provided to Kellertax, so that written confirmation by Kellertax is not (yet) necessary.
In the event that the general terms and conditions used by the client deviate from the general terms and conditions of Kellertax, the terms
and conditions of Kellertax will prevail at all times, even if the other party has stipulated that its terms and conditions are stipulated.
The client’s terms are only binding if Kellertax has accepted them in writing.
Every offer made by Kellertax is free of obligation and on the basis of availability and can therefore be revoked by these, even after the
client or traveler has accepted the offer.
The person who enters into an agreement on behalf of or for the benefit of another party is jointly and severally liable for all obligations
arising from the agreement. The (other) traveler (s) is (are) responsible for his (their) own part.
2. Offers and prices
All offers made by or on behalf of Kellertax are without obligation and on the basis of availability, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the
offer in writing.
Kellertax is not obliged to provide services for the stated price, if it is clear that this price is based on a printing or typing error.
Kellertax is entitled to adjust the applicable prices and / or rates at least three months after a prior written notification to the client.
3. Execution of the agreement.
Kellertax will make every effort to execute the service with care. If applicable, in accordance with the agreements and procedure
established in writing with the client.
Kellertax is authorized at all times to replace the vehicle with another (s), not necessarily equivalent vehicle (s).
If the client / contact person of the group gives directions or instructions, which deviate from the agreement made, as at his request or due
to a circumstance attributable to him more kilometers have been driven and / or more working hours are made than are discounted in the
fare price respectively fare, or at his request or due to a circumstance attributable to him, deviated in any way whatsoever in the
performance of the transport (for example in the route, timetable, care or accommodation) as provided for in the agreement, the
concerning work to be compensated as additional work and will be invoiced by Kellertax.
All penalties arising from commissioning the work are for the account of the client. Exemptions, parking permits, etc. must be requested
and awarded by the client to the local authorities or national authorities in advance. The riding of so-called B-roads can be refused by us in
spite of exemptions. The driver is at all times entitled to refuse certain actions.
The transport of large items of luggage, prams, wheelchairs and the like is not possible for technical reasons when hiring old-timers. When
hiring a coach / taxi bus, in consultation with Kellertax there is the possibility of carrying luggage, folding wheelchairs, etc. The driver is at
all times entitled to refuse certain goods and / or animals. If it concerns a journey where only luggage must be transported, the client must
arrange a person on the spot who will bring or bring the luggage to and from the bus.
In case of delays, foreseen or unforeseen, the driver is entitled to add extra stops en route if this is necessary in accordance with the
Driving Times Decree.
On rides that exceed a time span of 8 hours, the client must ensure a hot meal for the driver (s).
The maximum speed applicable in the Netherlands is applicable for hiring in accordance with the Road Traffic Act 1994. For buses, a
maximum speed of 80 km applies. per hour; for vintage cars we keep 70 km. per hour. The permitted maximum speeds for taxi buses and
taxis are laid down in the RVV-1990-BABW concerning road traffic. It is at all times the expertise and assessment of the driver which speed
is being driven.
All occupants are insured under the legally required third-party liability insurance of our vehicles: taxi-taxi bus.
Our liability in the performance of our work is limited to the amount that will be paid by our insurer in this case.
4. Obligations of the traveller
The traveller is obliged to behave during the transport in accordance with the instructions of Kellertax, the immediate and unconditional
granting of cooperation regarding the control of luggage. The traveller must be in possession of a valid proof of identity and must show this
at the first request. The passenger is obliged to properly pack his luggage before the commencement of the journey or the journey (in
order to prevent damage to other luggage or the bus) and to clearly indicate his name, address and destination. Kellertax is entitled to
refuse the carriage of baggage if the number or size of the package offered by the passenger is not reasonable and / or the weight is higher
than 20 kg per person. For security or security reasons and / or at the request of the authorities, the traveler may be asked to cooperate in
an investigation into baggage. Traveler is obliged to cooperate immediately. Kellertax is entitled to (have inspected) unmanaged baggage.
The traveller is prohibited:
a. to carry drugs, explosives, weapons, oxygen bottles or hazardous substances in his luggage or otherwise;
b. while standing or walking in the bus, unless at the risk of the traveler;
The traveller is obliged to abstain from the bus:
a. damage and / or contamination of the bus;
b. the use of narcotics, (alcoholic) drinks or food, except with the express written permission of Kellertax.
c. touching emergency facilities such as emergency door, emergency hammer and emergency hatch, otherwise in strict need;
d. smoking;
e. bothering staff in any way in the performance of their duties;
f. causing nuisance and nuisance for fellow travelers or road users;
g. endangering the safety of itself, the other passengers, the driver or other road users.
Kellertax is authorized to (let) deny transport or further transport to the passenger and (have) ordered him to leave the bus immediately, if
the passenger acts contrary to the obligations mentioned under 4.3 above, without the client or the traveler. is entitled to any
compensation or refund of (part of) the fare.
The passenger is furthermore obliged to be present in time for the departure and also to be present again in time for the departure at
intermediate stops and also to confirm the seat belts, if present, while driving. When transporting children up to 12 years, the escorts are
responsible for attaching the seat belts, if any, while driving. In case of non-availability, late return of the passenger or the refusal to attach
the seat belts, can lead to a delay of meaning, Kellertax is authorized not to carry out the transport with regard to this passenger. or to
suspend, without the client or traveler being entitled to any compensation or refund of the fare or fare.
Without prejudice to the above provisions under 4.1 up to and including 4.5, the client or the traveler is obliged to compensate Kellertax
for the damage it may have suffered and will still suffer because the traveler has acted contrary to one of the aforementioned obligations.
Kellertax reserves the right to carry out camera-supporting supervision in the interests of passenger and driver safety. This supervision
takes place with due observance of the Personal Data Protection Act and the Camera Surveillance Policy based on it.
5. Kellertax – Complaints
In the event that the client or traveler has a complaint about the conclusion or execution of the agreement, the client or traveler must
direct his or her complaint directly, in writing or in another appropriate form to address Kellertax so that it can find a suitable solution.
If the complaint is not resolved during the execution of the agreement to the satisfaction of the client and / or traveler, it can be received
within 8 days after execution of the contract or, if the transport and / or the journey has not taken place, within Send a written and
motivated complaint to Kellertax 8 days after the planned departure date. If the complaint relates not to the execution but to the
conclusion of the agreement, the complaint must be submitted in writing within 8 days after the relevant Kellertax procedure.
Kellertax must handle a complaint within one month of submission. If Kellertax has not handled the complaint in a timely manner and / or
not to the satisfaction of the client and / or traveler, it can, up to 3 months after the execution of the agreement and / or after the planned
departure date and / or after the date on which the disputed action takes place. of the Kellertax with regard to the conclusion of the
agreement, submit his complaint in writing to a disputes committee to be appointed by Kellertax. This disputes committee decides by
means of binding advice. If the client’s complaint is justified, Kellertax has the right to reduce the declarations it has drawn up at its own
discretion, or to improve the outcomes of its services free of charge. Complaints from the client concerning the execution of the work
never give the client the right to suspend his or her payment term or not to pay.
The traveler who does not wish to make use of this binding advice procedure can turn to the District Court competent according to the law
or in case the claim falls within the jurisdiction of the District Court, to that District Court within whose jurisdiction Kellertax is located,
without prejudice to the law of the District Court. the latter to turn to another Court competent according to the law.
Without prejudice to the statutory provisions of mandatory law with regard to limitation of legal claims and the provision on lapse in the
event of late notification as referred to in Article 8: 1753 of the Dutch Civil Code, any right of claim of the client shall lapse one year after
the execution of the agreement and / or a years after the planned departure date or after the date on which the carrier’s act of action is
6. Payments, interest and costs.
All invoices must be paid according to the payment conditions. These payment conditions are stated on the signed confirmation and on the
invoice. After signing the confirmation, the person who signed the confirmation agreed with the general transport conditions and must
conform to the stated payment conditions. If the invoice has to be renamed, Kellertax must be notified before the confirmation is signed
The payment conditions imply that at the latest 14 days after the invoice date of the agreement 100% of the invoice amount must be paid
to Kellertax, unless otherwise agreed with Kellertax.
Kellertax is always entitled to require payment from the client of an advance on the fare or advance payment of the entire fare. The client
must pay the advance or the prepayment within the period to be determined by Kellertax. In the absence of such a term indication, the
advance or prepayment must have been paid to Kellertax at least 14 days before the departure date. In the event that the client fails to pay
the advance or the advance payment in time, Kellertax is authorized to dissolve the transport agreement and the client is obliged to
reimburse Kellertax the costs already incurred or other damage. This compensation will be at least 30% of the fare prices.
Kellertax is entitled, if it considers it necessary to suspend all agreed activities or not to perform as long as the client has not provided
sufficient security for payment, or the confirmation signed by the client for approval has not been received by Kellertax.
The client can only object in writing to the invoice within the payment term.
If the payment has not been made within the payment term under 6.1 of these general transport conditions, the client is in default, and
the statutory interest at that time is due.
All costs, both out-of-court and judicial (including the costs of legal assistance), which for Kellertax are related to the enforcement of his
rights vis-à-vis the client or traveler, are at the expense of the client or traveler respectively. In case the client or traveler is in default with
payment of the amounts charged by Kellertax, the client or traveler shall also owe the extrajudicial costs in addition to the statutory
interest, in which case:
a. Insofar as the client or the traveler is a natural person who does not act in the exercise of a profession or business, the extrajudicial
costs, as determined in and calculated in accordance with the Decree on extrajudicial collection costs, will first be due if not paid within 15
days after the letter of formal notice has been delivered to the debtor;
b. Insofar as the client or traveler acted in the exercise of a profession or business, Kellertax is entitled to compensation for the
extrajudicial collection costs, which costs in that case, in deviation from the provisions of article 6:96 paragraph 4 Dutch Civil Code and in
deviation of the Decree on reimbursement. for out-of-court collection costs, now for then at an amount equal to 15% of the total
outstanding principal amount, with a minimum of € 75, -.
In the event of overdue payment or apparently reduced creditworthiness of the client, Kellertax has the right to consider all outstanding
contracts as dissolved. This without prejudice to its right to claim full compensation.
7. Liability.
Kellertax is not liable for damage caused by force majeure, including traffic and weather conditions and outside influences.
With the exception of the generally applicable legal rules, Kellertax is not obliged to pay any compensation for damage of any kind
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, at both the client and third parties.
Any compensation to be paid by Kellertax is limited to the invoice value or to the damages due by the settlement to Kellertax.
Kellertax is never liable for damage to third parties, which is caused by violation of intellectual property rights. The client is obliged to
indemnify Kellertax for this.
In those cases in which Kellertax is held liable by third parties for damage, the client will indemnify Kellertax unconditionally in those cases
in which Kellertax is not (no longer) liable vis-à-vis the client, either on the basis of these conditions or otherwise.
The client is liable for damage and / or pollution of the taxi or coach, material and immaterial, caused by the actions of passengers of the
client. This damage, including compensation for downtime, is recovered from the client with a minimum of 200.00 euros.
8. Force majeure.
In these general terms and conditions, force majeure means: In addition to what is understood in law and jurisprudence, all external
causes, foreseen or not foreseen, on which Kellertax can exert no influence, but as a result of which Kellertax is unable to meet its
In the event of force majeure on the part of Kellertax, the execution of the agreement will be suspended as long as the force majeure
situation makes it impossible for Kellertax to execute the agreement. In case of permanent force majeure Kellertax is entitled to dissolve
the agreement without Kellertax being obliged to compensate the client for any damage.
9. Cancellation.
Only with written permission from Kellertax can an agreement be refused, canceled or postponed. In case of postponement of the
agreement with more than 3 months, the invoice amount will be increased by 8% administration costs.
If the client cancels or modifies the transport agreement, it is obliged to compensate the damage suffered by Kellertax as a result. Unless
the parties have agreed otherwise – including the case in which the Kellertax has specified a different cancellation arrangement in its
prospectus or other publication – the client, in addition to reimbursement of costs already incurred by Kellertax in his assignment, will owe
the following compensation to Kellertax:
a. if the cancellation takes place at least 22 days before the day on which the transport commences: 15% of the agreed fare with a
minimum of 35, – Euro
b. if the cancellation takes place on the 21st day or between 21 and 14 days before the day on which the transport commences: 30% of the
agreed fare;
c. if the cancellation takes place on the 14th day or between 14 and 2 days before the day on which the transport commences: 50% of the
agreed fare;
d. if cancellation occurs on the 2nd day before the day on which the transport commences: 75% of the agreed fare;
e. if cancellation takes place one day before departure or on the day of the trip or during transport: the full fare.
The client is obliged to indemnify Kellertax against claims from third parties.

All agreements and the related agreements between the client and Kellertax are exclusively subject to Dutch law.

C) Acceptance of general conditions and exclusion of general terms and conditions of client.

The general terms and conditions of Kellertax V.O.F applicable at the time of confirmation apply to all deliveries, services, agreements and
invoices originating from Kellertax V.O.F., insofar as not expressly deviated from by signed agreement with the client.
The client has first taken note of our general terms and conditions and accepts them by signing the confirmation.
The general terms and conditions of the client are never applicable insofar as not expressly deviated by signed agreement with the client
by Kellertax V.O.F. and are explicitly excluded from this.


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